MU Catalog » Academic programs » Graduate »

Elementary Education, PK-6 (M.Ed.)

This program is designed for those who:

Core Requirements for Licensure

Thirty-nine (39) credits are required: (ED 502 and ED 503 are required as the first courses in this program since they provide the foundation for all other courses.)

Students receive a master's degree in Education and PK-6 licensure at the conclusion of this program.

PK-6 as an additional endorsement
LD and ESL students who seek the add-on endorsement in PK-6 must complete all PK-6 general studies requirements for licensure. Students must complete the following professional studies courses:

For LD—ED 558, ED 559, ED 555, ED 556, and ED 557
For ESL—ED 558, ED 559, ED 556, and ED 557.