MU Graduate Catalog » Course Descriptions »

MKT 510 Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications
Focuses on advertising and its relation to the development of product, brand, or corporate image; advertising as part of the social, economic, and business environment. Provides experience in marketing communications. (3)

MKT 512 Market Research
Focuses on decisions required by market research executives. Students develop, conduct, and analyze an actual market research survey. Applies the disciplines of economics, statistics, marketing, and management to a decision-oriented marketing environment. Prerequisite: MBA 514. (3)

MKT 520 Business-to-Business Buying Behavior and Strategic Selling
Analyzes the types of buying behaviors that organizations use when purchasing goods and services. The course applies this knowledge to the business-to-business sales process. Besides organizational buying behavior, the following topical areas are covered in the course: the sales process (including the sales cycle and basic selling skills); strategic account management in major accounts; and sales management (including account planning, compensation planning, territory planning, territory reviews, sales force motivation, and sales force automation). (3)

MKT 530 Promotional Strategies
Marketing promotion and its application in typical marketing situations. Student is required to demonstrate a conceptual knowledge of marketing promotion including communications theory, advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations. (3)

MKT 550 Marketing Seminar
Focuses on analytical integration of marketing strategy literature, economic dimensions of marketing analysis, and comprehensive cases. Provides the capstone seminar for Marketing. (3)

MKT 585 Global Marketing
Develops the skills and abilities needed to deal effectively with global marketing issues and problems. The focus is on decision making, not on the basis of speculation, but on the basis of relevant principles and an appropriate conceptual framework. Offered fall semester only. (3)

MKT 589 Marketing High-Technology Products and Services
Dramatic changes in the technology and business environment have fundamental implications for marketing strategies in general, and for marketing high-technology products and services in particular. This course will provide a structure and offer guidelines for the development of marketing programs for high-technology firms. (3)

MKT 590 Internet Marketing
In this course students will learn how they and their employers can use the Internet and related multimedia electronic technologies to market specific products (merchandise and services) and to promote organizational images. Students will learn how marketing on the Internet is being done by businesses of almost every kind to achieve the full range of organizational strategic objectives. Students will come to understand how the Internet allows a 24-hour-a-day marketing presence that can provide an enhanced competitive advantage. Furthermore, students will learn to use a combination of specific technologies and varied techniques to take optimal advantage of the Internet’s potential as an aid to successful strategic marketing. See department chair for course offering schedule. (3)