MU Graduate Catalog » Academic Programs »


Literature and Language (M.A.)

This program offers students the opportunity for intellectual enrichment in one of the traditional liberal arts disciplines while also offering those interested in the study of literature and language the opportunity for career enhancement through advanced study. It serves a variety of professional purposes and audiences — particularly teachers from the intermediate to the community college level. Through close consultation with an advisor, a student may choose courses that will either address gaps in educational background or provide concentrated study that will lead to specialization in a more advanced degree.

Candidates pursuing this degree may choose either of the following options:

• 30-credit program, including a 3-credit Master’s Project and a language requirement, which involves intermediate proficiency or passing grade on a reading test (those planning to pursue doctoral work should choose this option); or
• 36-credit program without a Master’s Project or language requirement.

For information about the Master’s Project, see the course descriptions

Admission Requirements: In addition to the Universitywide requirements for graduate admission applicants must present:

Nondegree Admission: Applicants desiring enrollment for limited coursework may do so as nondegree students. It is limited to a total of 9 credits and two consecutive semesters. See Admissions for further information on nondegree studies.

Transfer Credits: A maximum of 6 semester credits of transferred graduate credits may be applied toward the degree, if approved by the School dean and the registrar.

30-credit Program Degree Requirements

Candidates must also demonstrate proficiency in one foreign language. Marymount offers foreign language courses at the undergraduate level. See the University’s Undergraduate Catalog for available courses and descriptions.

36-credit Program Degree Requirements