MU Undergraduate Catalog » Course Descriptions »

(See also Sociology)

CJ 209 The Criminal Justice System
An overview of the formal mechanisms of social control as manifested by the components of the criminal justice system (legislatures, law enforcement, courts, and corrections). Also examined are alternatives to formal processing including diversion, pretrial screening, and dispute settlement programs. (3)

CJ 300 Writing for Criminal Justice
The purpose of this course is to teach undergraduate students to communicate facts, information, arguments, analysis, and ideas effectively in a simple, clear, and logical manner using various types of criminal justice reports and research papers. Students will practice note taking, résumé writing, report writing, written legal analysis, research-document writing, as well as presentation of testimony in court. (3)

CJ 304 Applied Research Methods
An examination of the techniques and resources of applied social research. Emphasis is placed on quantitative research techniques, survey research, program evaluation, and the ways in which research informs social and public policy. Prerequisites: SOC 131 and MA 132 or equivalent, or PSY 201 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. (Also listed as SOC 304.) (3)

CJ 307 Juvenile Justice
A systematic study of the history and purpose of the juvenile justice system that includes examination of the role of the U.S. Supreme Court. The course also evaluates the extent and nature of juvenile delinquency and addresses the physical, emotional, and societal problems faced by juveniles today. Other topics covered are the treatment and punishment of juvenile offenders, modern juvenile subcultures, and controversial issues in juvenile justice. (Also listed at SOC 307.) (3)

CJ 308 Principles of Forensic Science I
An examination of investigative and laboratory techniques used in the investigation of criminal offenses. Also examined are methods for searching crime scenes, analysis of firearm evidence, fingerprints, serology (including DNA), toxicology, questioned documents, and drugs. Major crimes, death investigation, and pathology are also explored. Prerequisites: CJ 209 and CJ 310, or permission of the instructor. (3)

CJ 309 Principles of Forensic Science II: Advanced Criminalistics
A continuation of the introduction to investigative and laboratory techniques used in the forensic analysis of criminal offenses. Examined are forensic pathology, anthropology, and toxicology; firearm, toolmark, trace material, questioned document, drug, arson, and bombing evidence. Major emphasis is placed on the legal aspects of evidence, including investigator and examiner documentation and reporting, and courtroom process and testimony. Prerequisites: CJ 308 or permission of the instructor. (3)

CJ 310 Policing in American Society
A survey of the history, development, environment, organization, and sociology of American law enforcement with an emphasis on state and local police agencies. Topics examined include police as service agency, police as government entity, and police as component of the national criminal justice system. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 131. (3)

CJ 311 Correctional Institutions
An overview of the theories, history, and functions of punishment and corrections in America. Topics examined include the origin and development of prisons and jails, prison administration, community-based corrections, legal rights of offenders, sentencing, parole, and capital punishment. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 131. (3)

CJ 312 Criminal Justice Management
A behavioral-systems approach to traditional and contemporary management models as they relate to criminal justice agencies. Emphasis is placed on administrative problem solving, organization and management theory, planning and research, social science, and psychology and sociology as they relate to communication and supervision. Case studies are used to facilitate learning. Prerequisite: CJ 310 or permission of the instructor. (3)

CJ 320 Cybercrime and Digital Terrorism
This course provides an overview of the actors, motives, and methods used in the commission of computer-related crimes, and describes the methods used by organizations to prevent, detect, and respond to these crimes. The course will also focus on different types of crimes and the nature of crimes that are committed using computers. (3)

CJ 400 Internship
Practical experience in an applied criminal justice or social service setting. Field experience is supervised and course is open only to senior Criminal Justice majors. Prerequisite: permission of internship coordinator. (6)

CJ 421 Project
Research of an original topic in criminal justice in collaboration with or under the direction of a faculty advisor. The project is intended to demonstrate ability to conduct and report independent research. (1-3)

CJ 433 Research
A student in this course will conduct collaborative research (scholarly work leading to new knowledge) under the direction of a faculty member. Refer to the Marymount Academic Research Initiative (MARI) guidelines. Prerequisite: application and approval of department chair. (1-6)

CJ 495 Senior Seminar
This capstone course provides an in-depth examination of current issues and social challenges that impact both the criminal justice system and society as a whole. For students nearing the completion of their coursework in Criminal Justice and Sociology, this course builds on the knowledge and skills they acquired earlier in their academic careers. Prerequisites: SOC 304, SOC 305, senior standing, and permission of the instructor. (3)